We all have heard about the viruses named Trojan Horse, Trojan Horse is a kind of virus which appears to perform it’s intended tasks, But silently steals all the information from your computer or harms your computer in a way which may be difficult to recover.
Interestingly I got to know a story about the name Trojan Horse virus, Here it goes…
In Greek Mythology they believe there was a city called, City Of Troys & there was other kingdom of Greeks. They fought for about 10 years and the war was called the Trojan War. After 10 years of fight the greeks still had nothing in their hands, it was a fruitless siege , So the greeks declared that they quit from the War.
Now the greeks built a giant horse made of wood & gave it as a trophy of victory to the citizens of Troy called TROJANS. The trojans happily took the horse inside the city. On the same night the trojans were busy celebrating their victory while 30 soldiers who were hiding inside the Giant Wooden Horse came out & opened the city gates for the Greek Army. The Greek army then destroyed the entire troy city.
Since then everything that causes the target to bring a vulnerable object in to a secured area is referred as a Trojan Horse. Hence the name Trojan Horse is given to viruses that pretend to be something else, but once they are inside the system they start messing up the entire system.